I am using a variable called "int _progs1 = 0;". This variable i can set with a "if statement" to a max and min value, that it does not go over or under the specified value.
int _progs1 = 0;
onPressed: () {
if (_progs1 < 3)
setState(() {
_progs1 += 1;
debugPrint(' $_progs1 Up');
onPressed: () {
if (_progs1 > 0)
setState(() {
_progs1 -= 1;
debugPrint(' $_progs1 Down');
Trying to use the same method with Shared Preferences that it can store the value it gives me the error.
"The operator '<' isn't defined for the type 'Future'. Try defining the operator '<'."
Future<SharedPreferences> _prefs = SharedPreferences.getInstance();
Future<int> _progs1;
Future<void> _decrementProgS1() async {
final SharedPreferences prefs = await _prefs;
final int progs1 = (prefs.getInt('progs1') ?? 0) - 1;
if (_progs1 < 3)
setState(() {
_progs1 = prefs.setInt("progs1", progs1).then((bool success) {
return progs1;
What I am doing wrong? Is my approach wrong? Is there a better way to make it? To be able to go up and down with a variable between defined values and store it at the same time.
Thanks in advance
Future<SharedPreferences> _prefs = SharedPreferences.getInstance();
int _progs1;
Future<void> _decrementProgS1() async {
final SharedPreferences prefs = await _prefs;
final int progs1 = await ((prefs.getInt('progs1') ?? 0) - 1);
if (_progs1 < 3)
_progs1 = prefs.setInt("progs1", progs1).then((bool success) {
return progs1;
You don't need setState either. When you want to use the function _decrementProgS1()
use await with it, like this:
_progs1 = await _decrementProgS1()