I have multiple react-native components (more than 100) each of which is different. To be more precise each component is actually a react-native svg component which looks like this
import * as React from "react";
import Svg, { Circle, Path } from "react-native-svg";
function SvgAlert(props) {
return (
<Circle cx={12} cy={16.75} r={1.25} fill="#000" />
<Path fill="#000" d="M11 6h2v8h-2z" />
export default SvgAlert;
I want to import all these svgComponents from my component directory and render them in scrollview
Is there any way I can map through these components or any other approach to save the tedious work of importing each component one by one and rendering it manually (Like a map for components or something else)
return <Each/>
You could do the work of importing every svg just one time and then reuse it importing the array that contains all the svgs. Something like:
import SVG1 from '...';
import SVG2 from '...';
import SVG3 from '...';
export default SVGsArray = [SVG1, SVG2, SVG3, ...];
Then in a component:
import SVGsArray from '../path/to/AllSvgs.js';
return <Each/>