When writing C++ code, rather than:
double a, b;
std::complex<double> z = a + b * std::complex<double>(0, 1);
I would prefer to write something like:
std::complex<double> z = a + b * i;
I can see that C99 has macro I
(https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/numeric/complex/I), but it can't be use with std::complex
std::complex<double> z = a + b * I; // does not compile
Of course, I could define myself some constant for that purpose, but that constant must exist somewhere already in C++. What is it called?
The custom literal i
(e.g. 1i
), see example in https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/complex
#include <complex>
using namespace std::complex_literals;
std::complex<double> z1 = 1i * 1i;