I am a beginner in Terraform/Azure and I want to deploy a docker image in ACR using terraform but was unable to find internet solutions. So, if anybody knows how to deploy a docker image to an azure container registry using Terraform, please share. Tell me whether this is possible or not.
You may use Terraform resource null_resource
and execute your own logic in Terraform.
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
name = "example-resources"
location = "West Europe"
resource "azurerm_container_registry" "acr" {
name = "containerRegistry1"
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name
location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
sku = "Premium"
admin_enabled = true
georeplication_locations = ["East US", "West Europe"]
resource "azurerm_azuread_application" "acr-app" {
name = "acr-app"
resource "azurerm_azuread_service_principal" "acr-sp" {
application_id = "${azurerm_azuread_application.acr-app.application_id}"
resource "azurerm_azuread_service_principal_password" "acr-sp-pass" {
service_principal_id = "${azurerm_azuread_service_principal.acr-sp.id}"
value = "Password12"
end_date = "2022-01-01T01:02:03Z"
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "acr-assignment" {
scope = "${azurerm_container_registry.acr.id}"
role_definition_name = "Contributor"
principal_id = "${azurerm_azuread_service_principal_password.acr-sp-pass.service_principal_id}"
resource "null_resource" "docker_push" {
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = <<-EOT
docker login ${azurerm_container_registry.acr.login_server}
docker push ${azurerm_container_registry.acr.login_server}