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Checking whether a function is decorated

I am trying to build a control structure in a class method that takes a function as input and has different behaviors if a function is decorated or not. Any ideas on how you would go about building a function is_decorated that behaves as follows:

def dec(fun):
    # do decoration

def func(data):
    # do stuff

def func2(data):
    # do other stuff

def is_decorated(func):
    # return True if func has decorator, otherwise False

is_decorated(func)  # False
is_decorated(func2) # True


  • Yes, it's relatively easy because functions can have arbitrary attributes added to them, so the decorator function can add one when it does its thing:

    def dec(fun):
        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        wrapped.i_am_wrapped = True
        return wrapped
    def func(data):
        ... # do stuff
    def func2(data):
        ... # do other stuff
    def is_decorated(func):
        return getattr(func, 'i_am_wrapped', False)
    print(is_decorated(func))   # -> False
    print(is_decorated(func2))  # -> True