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Python - use string literals in Oracle SQL Query

I am attempting to run a SQL query on an oracle database like so:

import cx_Oracle as cx
import pandas as pd

un = "my username"
pw = "my password"
db = "database name"
lookup = "1232DX%"

myconn = cx.connect(un, pw, db)
cursor = myconn.cursor()

qry = """SELECT *
    FROM tableX
    WHERE tableX.code LIKE '1232DX%'"""

qry.df = pd.read_sql(qry, con = myconn)

My issue is that it is redundant to define lookup before the query and use the value in the query itself. I would like to just be able to type

WHERE tableX.code LIKE lookup

and have the value 1232DX% substituted into my query.

I imagine there is a straightforward way to do this in Python, but I am hardly an expert so I thought I would ask someone here. All suggestions are welcome. If there is a better way to do this than what I have shown please include it. Thank you in advance.


  • You use the same syntax as when passing parameters to cursor.execute().

    qry = """SELECT *
        FROM tableX
        WHERE tableX.code LIKE :pattern"""
    qry.df = pd.read_sql(qry, con = myconn, params={":pattern": lookup})