Search code examples

where('videos.created_at', '>', '2020.07.26 14:16:29') not working for left joined table - Eloquent, Laravel

everybody. I have written this code which should return most liked videos posted after the specified date. But the code returns older results than the specified date. I have posted only one video after 2020.07.26 and in spite of this Eloquent returns 8 older videos.

enter image description hereenter image description here

$query = Video::select('',DB::raw('group_concat(DISTINCT videos.code) AS code'),DB::raw('group_concat(DISTINCT videos.title) AS title'),DB::raw('group_concat(DISTINCT videos.created_at) AS createdDate'),DB::raw('count( AS reactCount'))
      ->where('videos.created_at', '>', '2020.07.26 14:16:29')


enter image description here

Then I found this code on the stockflow where the solution was whereColumn. But it did not help me. Laravel showed me another error.

enter image description here

whereColumn example from another post on stackoverflow

$query = DB::table('messages')
    ->leftJoin('participants', function ($join) {
        $join->on('messages.thread_id', '=', 'participants.thread_id')
            ->on('messages.user_id', '!=', 'participants.user_id');
    ->select('messages.created_at as message_date', 'participants.last_read as last_read')
    ->whereColumn('messages.created_at', '>', 'participants.last_read')->get();

The reason for this is that I group the results. The videos.created field returns the value as many times as the likes of the video. To solve this I used DISTINCT

DB::raw('group_concat(DISTINCT videos.created_at) AS createdDate')

Then I added createdDate in the WHERE() and unfortunately I got one another error again.

->where('createdDate', '>', '2020.07.26 14:16:29')

And this is the error I mean. As many time I got it... I almost loved it ;) enter image description here

And... I wrote a query code which returns right results and ran in a native php page. This is what Laravel should do but it does not...

SELECT AS id, group_concat(videos.code) AS code, group_concat(videos.title) AS title, group_concat(DISTINCT videos.created_at) AS createdDate, count( AS reactCount
      FROM videos 
      LEFT JOIN reactions ON = reactions.at_video
      WHERE (reactions.reaction = 1 or reactions.reaction IS NULL)
      AND videos.created_at > '2020.07.27'
      GROUP BY
      ORDER BY reactCount DESC

enter image description here

I thought I would use custom query code in Laravel as the final solution but I have to say but one more again.

enter image description here

$videos = DB::select("SELECT AS id, group_concat(videos.code) AS code, group_concat(videos.title) AS title, group_concat(DISTINCT videos.created_at) AS createdDate, count( AS reactCount
      FROM videos 
      LEFT JOIN reactions ON = reactions.at_video
      WHERE (reactions.reaction = 1 or reactions.reaction IS NULL)
      AND videos.created_at > '2020.07.27'
      GROUP BY
      ORDER BY reactCount DESC")->paginate(16);

Please someone help me to find a solution. I'm really tired man.


  • At least I found a solution. This is not the best way maybe but it works without any issues yet.

    I added them to my controller

    use Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;

    in the function

    $query = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT AS id, group_concat(DISTINCT videos.code) AS code, group_concat(DISTINCT videos.title) AS title, group_concat(DISTINCT videos.created_at) AS createdDate, count( AS reactCount
    FROM videos 
    LEFT JOIN reactions ON = reactions.at_video
    WHERE (reactions.reaction = 1 or reactions.reaction IS NULL)
    AND videos.created_at > '2021.07.27'
    ORDER BY reactCount DESC"));
    // Added this three lines of code to make as the results array as a collection
    $collection = new Collection($query);
    $page = $request->get('page') ? (int)$request->get('page') : 1;
    $videos = $collection->forPage($page, 16); 