(Newbie question) In F#, what is the simplest method of upcasting a typed list to a seq<_> ?
I am working on interop with C# and trying to learn F#. I have specifically a list of movies defined as:
Movies: MovieInfo list option
which I would like to upcast to
ItemsSource: seq<obj> option
So given Movies, how do I go to ItemsSource?
e.g., movies |> ?????
Thank you for any help.
There are actually two small tasks here: (1) convert the list to a sequence, which is what you asked about, and (2) do it "inside" the option
Converting a list to sequence is easy: Seq.ofList
. Plus, if you need to cast the element type, use Seq.cast
let movies: MovieInfo list = ...
let itemsSource = movies |> Seq.ofList |> Seq.cast
But that's not all: you don't have a naked list MovieInfo list
, you have it inside an option
- MovieInfo list option
. And a way to apply a transformation to a value inside of an option is via Option.map
let x = Some 3
let y = x |> Option.map ((+) 2) // now, y = Some 5
So to combine all of the above:
let ItemsSource = Movies |> Option.map (Seq.ofList >> Seq.cast)