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Importing file (without extension) contents into python script as object

I have a file titled "passc" (no .txt, no .py, no extension at all) that contains a single line of code (its a token) similar to:

Yes, there are no quotes or variable assignment in this file

I am trying to import this value into a python script and assign it to a variable (I think it should look something like this):

import passc

code = passc

I have tried variations of the following:

from passc import *
code = passc[0]

And I understand I'm importing a module not a direct object so it shouldn't have a subscriptable element, but I thought I might as well try it.

Without defining the value in "passc" file I can't figure out how to access the value.

Looking for suggestions on how to access this value without altering the "passc" file!


  • Do not complicate yourself using import passc or from passc import * of this way only we can import files with .py extension.
    The fast solution to fix this problem is doing something like this:

    # read file
    # save code in a var
    code =
    # aABBccDd01234
