I need to find the closest value in the right table and combine them all. but for doing do my left join query runs on all the permutations and it tasks a lot of resources to calculate (my basic tables are huge)
For example my A table looks like
And table B looks like :
For this example the result will be:
This how I thought to do so:
select * from (
select *,row_number() over(partition by rown order by abs(b-a) asc) diff from (
(select a,b, row_number over () rown from x) a
(select a,b from x) b
on a.a = b.a
) )where diff =1
Is there a better and efficient way to do so?
Consider below example
select id, a.val a_val, b.val b_val
from tableA a
left join tableB b
where true
qualify row_number() over(partition by id, a.val order by abs(a.val - b.val)) = 1
If applied to sample data in your question - output is