I have a NodeJs server with nginx. It runs on ubuntu server. it shows "502" from time to time. I am running it via pm2.
The real issue is now: when I log in and look at pm2 it doesn't show "error". When I run "restart", "502" goes away and starts working normally.
1.) Can I send an e-mail automatically when the server stops?
2.) can I write every event to a file in the application? (Can I see the error by looking at the
last event?) I am using MongoDB.
3.) How can I catch the error?
There are multiple ways to do it. You are not getting properly log and stopped/restarted the application that means your application needs code quality improvement and error handling properly.
You may use uncaughtException
and unhandledRejection
events to send email and log into a file
.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
//'Unhandled Rejection at Promise'
// send email or write into file
.on('uncaughtException', err => {
//'Uncaught Exception thrown'
// send email or write into file
Apart from the above, you may use a third-party monitoring tool even pm2 also provides