let's say i have a tkinter Textbox like this :
textbox =
Hello world !
Life is good on earth
Winter is already there
How do i search for "good"
, get the line number and insert something on the line number just before ?
Expected result :
Hello world !
New sentence inserted here
Life is good on earth
Winter is already there
I know how to use the .find("good")
method to get the number of characters before "good" is reached but since i want to be able to use the textbox.insert()
i need the line number (not the number of characters) like 1.0
to specify where i want to insert the new sentence in the textbox .
You may play with the tkinter index:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
fram = Frame(root)
Label(fram,text='Text to find:').pack(side=LEFT)
edit = Entry(fram)
edit.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
butt = Button(fram, text='Find')
text = Text(root)
text.insert('1.0','''Hello world !
Life is good on earth
Winter is already there''')
def find():
s = edit.get()
if s:
idx = '1.0'
idx = text.search(s, idx, nocase=1, stopindex=END)
if idx:
text.insert(idx.split('.')[0]+'.0', 'New sentence inserted here\n')