I'm having problem to cut/crop the begining of each file line until a delimiter using the cut command.
But doesn't worked.
I've a file full of lines like that :
202008/AX/20200818/20200818_043714rs1fif06.dat:FG0620200817FR1 RCRGBRJ360100000000000115600000003470000000416340000000693900000013878
I want to cut the begining of the line to leave as exit
FG0620200817FR1 RCRGBRJ360100000000000115600000003470000000416340000000693900000013878
I thought to use ':' or 'rs1fif06.dat' as delimiters. Using the following cut command :
cut -d':' filename
That's doesn't worked and i don't know why. or
cut -d'rs1fif06.dat:' filename
That's doesn't worked as i read because cut command doesn't allow such words as delimiters.
tells you what you have to do:
$ cut -d:
cut: you must specify a list of bytes, characters, or fields
Try 'cut --help' for more information.
So leave the second field.
cut -d: -f2