I am trying to read text lines from a file and attach them to the end of a link and perform few actions then read next line and repeat same procedure.
This is what I have so far and appreciate any and all help!
url = "https://www.instagram.com/"
f = open("names.txt")
text1 = [text.strip() for text in f.readlines()]
for text in text1:
error I am receiving -
'str' object is not callable
You need to concatenate the string first and then send it to browser.get()
Can you please check this code
url = "https://www.instagram.com/"
f = open("names.txt")
text1 = f.readlines()
for text in text1:
driver.get('{}{}'.format(url, text.strip()))
print('{}{}'.format(url, text.strip()))
I believe your txt file contains some Instagram usernames. correct me if I am wrong.