I have a csv file which contains double quotes within a tag and enclosed with double quote. Needs to replace double quote inside a tag with some other character. Eg.
"1"|"Sam"|"<Note> This is "a" Sample </Note>"
"2"|"Sam1"|"<Note> This "is "a" Sam"ple "</Note>"
Desired Output
"1"|"Sam"|"<Note> This is a Sample </Note>"
"2"|"Sam1"|"<Note> This is a Sample </Note>"
Here is a way to go:
. matches newline
(?: # non capture group
<Note> # literally, open tag
| # OR
\G(?!^) # restart from last match position except beginning of line
) # end group
(?: # non capture group
(?! # negative lookahead, make sure we haven't after:
</Note # literally close tag
) # end lookahead
[^"] # any character that is not a double quote
)* # end group, may appear 0 or more times
\K # forget all we have seen until this position
" # double quote
(?=.*</Note>) # positive lookahead, make sure we have close tag after
Screenshot (before):
Screenshot (after):