I have the following table and I would like to get the number of nulls for each SEQ_ID
SEQ_ID zScore for 7d zScore for 14d zScore for 21d zScore for 28d zScore for 35d
456 11.353 13.2922 9.0162 8.8533
789 8.5991 8.8244 5.7394
So for SEQ_ID 456
I would have 1 null
For SEQ_ID 789
I would have 2 nulls
Is there a way to do this without writing complicated case statements with brute force combinations in the Calculated column area using Spotfire
I guess you are looking for a Spotfire custom expression not involving R.
This would give you the number of columns that are not null. If you know the total number of columns, you can easily turn it into the number of null columns
Len(RXReplace(Concatenate($map("[yourtable].$esc($csearch([yourtable],"*"))",",'-',")),'\\w+','Z','g')) -
[yourtable] would be the name of your data table. This acts on all columns.