i use laravel 8 and i want to use of this Hyphen - in between categories name but when i use foreach for repeat name. this Hyphen - is repeat in final category name.
@foreach($category_tags as $category_tag)
<a href="{{$category_tag->link}}">{{$category_tag->title}} </a> -
my controller code
$category_tags = ChildCategory::where('parent', $category->id)->where('status', 1)->get();
category: book - shop - phone - test - tablet -
i want remove this Hyphen- after tablet - and see
category: book - shop - phone - test - tablet
Laravel provides helper object inside foreach
one of them called $loop->last
this will help you in this case
@foreach($category_tags as $category_tag)
<a href="{{$category_tag->link}}">{{$category_tag->title}} </a>
for more info check the docs