I am using gawk on Windows 8.1 (from GnuWin32)
How to escape the period (".") character?
I tried with "\." and "\x2e" and it doesn't work
my input file (z.txt) is this:
and I'm trying to find .jpg files with this script (z.awk):
{ printf $0; if (match($0, /\x2ejpe?g$/)) printf " - Jpeg image"; print "" }
I run this script from a batch file (z.bat):
cat z.txt | gawk -f z.awk
It doesn't matter if I'm using "\." or "\x2e" or ".", it will still match any character. The output I got is
bear.jpg - Jpeg image
abcjpg - Jpeg image
In the output, the last line should be:
I've uploaded the scripts here - https://github.com/FrostShock/WinScripts/tree/main/ZZZ
With GNU awk you must use the compatibility mode (-c
) if you want the escape sequences to be interpreted literally:
$ man awk
In compatibility mode, the characters represented by octal and
hexadecimal escape sequences are treated literally when used in regular
expression constants. Thus, /a\52b/ is equivalent to /a\*b/.
But I am very surprized that \.
did not work as expected. There must be something else that happens in what you do not show. Try, maybe:
awk '/\.jpe?g$/ {$(NF+1) = " - Jpeg image"} {print}'
$ printf '%s\n' "foo.doc" "bear.jpg" "abcjpg.txt" | \
awk '/\.jpe?g$/ {$(NF+1) = " - Jpeg image"} {print}'
bear.jpg - Jpeg image