I'm trying to get the database design right, and I'm uncertain about which of 2 options I should choose. There will be around 20 bool values that are used to filter (4 in the sample for simplicity).
Option 1)
A int(1) or varchar(1) field for each prop. The filter part of the query could be like
WHERE prop1=1 AND prop3=1 AND prop4=1
Option 2)
Using a single text field with characters representing the props
Then the filter part of the query similar to option 1 would be like
WHERE props LIKE '%a%' AND props LIKE '%c%' AND props LIKE '%d%'
or if the characters are sorted:
WHERE props LIKE '%a%' AND props LIKE '%cd%'
My thought is that option 2 makes it easier to add new props so I like this option, but will the LIKE comparator perform worse than the equality comparator? Does it make any difference to use a single text compared to multiple int(1) or varchar(1)? Any other benefits or drawback that I haven't thought of?
The primary question is whether you can run faster than scanning the entire table. The answer is "no" unless a small number of the booleans can be handled separately with Index(es).
Your WHERE bools LIKE '%a%c%d%'
is a clever trick for ANDing any number of flags together. However, it will need to look at every row, and LIKE
is slightly heavyweight.
takes 4 bytes plus overhead. TINYINT
is what you are fishing for; it takes 1 byte, plus overhead.
with up to 64 bools is another technique. The coding is a bit clumsy, but it is rather efficient
(for up to 32) or BIGINT UNSIGNED
(for up to 64) flags is implemented similarly to SET
and also takes up to 8 bytes. But the coding is rather clumsy. Let's number the bits starting with 0 in the least significant bit.
WHERE (bools & ( (1 << 0) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) ) ) =
( (1 << 0) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) )
would check that bits 0, 2, and 3 are all set. (This is like your test for a,c,d.) A variety of ANDs and ORs are possible with this approach. (You could pre-compute those bit values-- 13 in this example. Or use a bit literal: 0b1101
The benefit of SET or bits in an INT is the 'speed' within each row. Still, all rows must be tested.
So, I recommend triaging your bools, etc, and decide what needs indexing and what can go into this combined column or in a combined JSON column for non-bools.