i have two arrays that look like this:
$ht1 = @{
"computer55" = "port33"
“computer1” = “port1”
“computer2” = “port2”
$ht2 = @{
"A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6" = "port1"
"A2:B3:C4:D5:E6:F7" = "port2"
"A3:B4:C5:D6:E7:F8" = "port33"
"A4:B4:C5:D6:E7:F8" = "port45"
The first one is one I manually hardcode into the script, I have an actual list of device names and what port they are plugged into on a switch. The second one is generated with a switch script that logs in, gets the mac address table and records it as a hashtable.
My desired outcome is this, if there is a port with an assigned name, replace the port name with the device name.
$ht3(or any name) = @{
"A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6" = "computer1"
"A2:B3:C4:D5:E6:F7" = "computer2"
"A3:B4:C5:D6:E7:F8" = "computer55"
"A4:B4:C5:D6:E7:F8" = "port45"
I've somehow spent about a day on this(... pretty much the first powershell script I've ever came up with) and my end result is always the same, I end up merging two hashtables and pair the port with the computer name and not the mac address with the computer name. any direction is appreciated
Important note, the .ContainsValue
method is case sensitive, if you want a case insensitive search use one of the following:
if($val = [string]$ht1.Keys.Where({$ht1[$_] -eq $ht2[$key]}))
@{$key = $val}
if($ht1.Values -contains $ht2[$key])
if($ht2[$key] -in $ht1.Values)
$ht1 = @{
computer55 = 'port33'
computer1 = 'port1'
computer2 = 'port2'
$ht2 = @{
'A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6' = 'port1'
'A2:B3:C4:D5:E6:F7' = 'port2'
'A3:B4:C5:D6:E7:F8' = 'port33'
'A4:B4:C5:D6:E7:F8' = 'port45'
$result = foreach($key in $ht2.Keys)
@{$key = [string]$ht1.Keys.Where({$ht1[$_] -eq $ht2[$key]})}
@{$key = $ht2[$key]}
Looking at $result
Name Value
---- -----
A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6 computer1
A3:B4:C5:D6:E7:F8 computer55
A4:B4:C5:D6:E7:F8 port45
A2:B3:C4:D5:E6:F7 computer2
[string]$ht1.Keys.Where({$ht1[$_] -eq $ht2[$key]})
Could also be the following, though, I'm not sure which one would be more efficient:
$ht1.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Value -eq $ht2[$key]}).Key