I have the following main.tf in my Terraform submodule located in ./network
module "test-vpc-module" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/network/google"
version = "~> 3.3.0"
project_id = var.project_id
network_name = var.network_name
mtu = 1460
subnets = [
subnet_name = "xxx-private"
subnet_ip = ""
subnet_region = "us-central1"
subnet_private_access = "true"
subnet_name = "us-central1-gke"
subnet_ip = ""
subnet_region = "us-central1"
subnet_private_access = "true"
secondary_ranges = {
us-central1-gke = [
range_name = "gke-cluster-pods"
ip_cidr_range = ""
range_name = "gke-cluster-services"
ip_cidr_range = "" },
I would like to expose values of range_name
of both secondary ranges as ip_range_pods_gke
and ip_range_ser_gke
accordingly. So my output.tf files looks like this:
output "ip_range_pods_gke" {
description = "GKE PODs IP ranage."
value = module.test-vpc-module.secondary_ranges.us-central1-gke[0].range_name
output "ip_range_services_gke" {
description = "GKE Services IP ranage."
value = module.test-vpc-module.secondary_ranges.us-central1-gke[1].range_name
my main.tf file, located in root folder calling this module.
module "networking"{
source = "./network"
project_id = "xxxxx-project"
network_name = "xxxxx"
However when I running plan
command I'm getting the following error.
Error: Unsupported attribute
│ on network/outputs.tf line 4, in output "ip_range_pods_gke":
│ 4: value = module.test-vpc-module.secondary_ranges.us-central1-gke[0].range_name
│ ├────────────────
│ │ module.test-vpc-module is a object, known only after apply
│ This object does not have an attribute named "secondary_ranges".
What is the correct way to expose range_name for each of secondary_ranges?
Update: My folder structure looks like this (I know that state file should be in bucket but this is just test):
├── main.tf
├── network
│ ├── main.tf
│ ├── outputs.tf
│ └── variables.tf
├── terraform.tfstate
└── terraform.tfstate.backup
terraform-google-modules/network/google does not have outputs such as secondary_ranges
. Instead, that output that you may be after is called subnets_secondary_ranges.
If this is not the output you want, you have to fork the module, and modify its outputs.