Below is code to get stock options data based on the stock's specific ticker symbol from a list (ticker). It is also based on the stock option's expiration date. But I am getting this error: "ValueError: Expiration 2021-07-30
cannot be found. Available expiration are: [2022-01-21, 2023-01-20]". I believe that is because certain stock's do not have options that expire on 2021-07-30, but somehow got in my list. How would I incorporate a continue statement to skip the option ticker if it does not have the available expiration date: 2021-07-30?
opt_df = DataFrame()
for symbol in tickers:
ticker = yf.Ticker(symbol)
opt = ticker.option_chain('2021-07-30')
Try/except statement with ValueError exception?
opt_df = DataFrame()
for symbol in tickers:
ticker = yf.Ticker(symbol)
opt = ticker.option_chain('2021-07-30')
except ValueError: