I have two times for example:
I am wondering how I can get the desired output of 1 year ago
or 2 hours ago
I tried converting the times to seconds then subtracting that and converting the time to the desired output but I just can't find the code in the documentation that allows for that.
It works:
from dateutil.parser import parse
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
datetime_1 = parse('2020-04-06T15:00:07Z')
datetime_2 = parse('2021-07-28T19:18:02+00:00')
delta = relativedelta(datetime_2, datetime_1)
print(f"{delta.years} year {delta.months} months {delta.days} days {delta.hours} hours {delta.hours} minutes ago")
# 1 year 3 months 22 days 4 hours 4 minutes ago