Is there a method in Cypress to simulate the paginator functionality of a webpage?
An example scenario for this would be the paginator functionality of a webpage. So this function or method would enable me to click on the 'next page' or 'previous page' icons until I can go no further.
An example of what code I am requesting information on would be:
while (cy.get(<locator string>).isClickable()) {
cy.get(<locator string>).click();
//and some other instructions to follow;
Hope I was able to portray it correctly! ;)
The while loop part can be handled with a recursive function,
function clickUntilDisabled(selector, callback, pageNo = 0) {
if (pageNo === 100) {
throw 'Too many clicks' // avoid runaway recursive calls
cy.get(selector).then($clickable => {
if ($clickable.prop('disabled')) return; // exit
callback(pageNo) // other stuff to do
clickUntilDisabled(selector, callback, ++pageNo) // repeat
clickUntilDisabled('my-button', (pageNo) => {
cy.get('row').should(...); // testing page here
Example app
<button onclick="nextpage()">Next Page</button>
<p>Page no: _</p>
let count = -1
function nextpage() {
console.log('Click handler nextpage', count)
setTimeout(() => { // some async change
const p = document.querySelector('p') // to make sure the loop
p.innerText = `Page no: ${count}` // waits for fetch
}, 2000)
if (count < 3) return
// disable after 3rd click
const button = document.querySelector('button')
button.disabled = true
function clickUntilDisabled(selector, callback, pageNo = 0) {
if (pageNo === 100) {
throw 'Too many clicks'
cy.get(selector).then($clickable => {
if ($clickable.prop('disabled')) return;
clickUntilDisabled(selector, callback, ++pageNo)
clickUntilDisabled('button', (pageNo) => {
console.log('Callback pageNo', pageNo)
.then($button => {
const assertion = pageNo < 3 ? '' : 'be.disabled';
cy.wrap($button).should(assertion) // passes
cy.contains('p', `Page no: ${pageNo}`) // passes
Click handler nextpage 0
Callback pageNo 0
Click handler nextpage 1
Callback pageNo 1
Click handler nextpage 2
Callback pageNo 2
Click handler nextpage 3
Callback pageNo 3