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MS ACCESS get SQL statement to run and return value to be used elsewhere

HELP ! :)

I have some VBA code in my Access DB, that I can't seem to get working. I want a button to start a SQL SELECT statement, and then return the value it gets.

I need this to allow users to enter a letter in the input box, but the value I need it to be is a number. Therefore I tried using this SQL statement to return the number from the table Eddition_Aide which has all the editions (a, b, c, d, etc) and their corresponding id number.

But I can't seem to get it working.

This is the code:

Dim NewEd As String
Me.AllowAdditions = True
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

NewEd = InputBox("Enter new edition")
TempVars("xNewEd") = NewEd

Dim SQLdata As String
SQLdata = "SELECT TB_Eddition_Aide.ID_Key " & _
          "FROM TB_Eddition_Aide " & _
          "WHERE TB_Eddition_Aide.Edditions_Txt=[Tempvars]![xNewEd];"

Me.ED_Start_Date = InputBox("Enter first Start Date", , Date)
Me.AllowAdditions = False


  • Try something like this:

    Dim NewEd   As Long
    Dim NewKey  As Long
    Dim NewDate As Variant
    Me.AllowAdditions = True
    DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
    NewEd = Val(InputBox("Enter new edition"))
    If NewEd > 0 Then
        NewKey = Nz(DLookup("ID_Key", "TB_Eddition_Aide", "Edditions_Txt = " & NewEd & ""))
        If NewKey > 0 Then
            NewDate = InputBox("Enter first Start Date", , Date)
            If IsDate(NewDate) Then
                Me!ED_Start_Date.Value = CDate(NewDate)
                Me.Dirty = False
            End If
        End If
    End If
    Me.AllowAdditions = False