I have a table that I need add days to and create a new column with that information. The problem I am having is that there are two date calculations based on a different column. Here is a similar table to the one I am working with:
Type Name Date
A Abe 6/2/2021
B Joe 6/15/2021
A Jin 6/25/2021
A Jen 6/1/2021
B Pan 6/21/2021
B Pin 6/22/2021
B Hon 6/11/2021
A Hen 6/23/2021
A Bin 6/23/2021
A Ban 6/5/2021
I am trying to get the table to return like this where Type A goes up by 7 days and Type B goes up by 2 business days:
Type Name Date NewDate
A Abe 6/2/2021 6/9/2021
B Joe 6/15/2021 6/19/2021
A Jin 6/25/2021 7/2/2021
A Jen 6/1/2021 6/8/2021
B Pan 6/21/2021 6/23/2021
B Pin 6/22/2021 6/26/2021
B Hon 6/11/2021 6/13/2021
A Hen 6/23/2021 6/30/2021
A Bin 6/23/2021 6/30/2021
A Ban 6/5/2021 6/12/2021
So far I have tried these:
import pandas as pd
from pandas.tseries.offsets import BDay
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
df1['NewDate'] = df1.apply(df1['Date'] + timedelta(days=7)
if x=='Emergency' else df1['Date'] + BDay(2) for x in df1['Type'])
Don't run that, either you will go in an infinite loop or it will take a very long time.
I've also run this:
df1['NewDate'] = [df1['Date'] + timedelta(days=7) if i=='Emergency' else df1['Date'] + BDay(2)
for i in df1.Type] (also tried with df1[Type] same results.
This puts all the rows in a single row (almost looks like how it returns on jupyter notebook with the ...)
I have also tried this:
df1['NewDate'] = df1['Type'].apply(lambda x: df1['Date'] + timedelta(days=7) if x=='Emergency'
else df1['Date'] + BDay(2))
When I run that one it will go through each row on the type and apply the correct logic on the if emergency calculate by 7 days and if not calculate by business day, the problem is that every row returned is calculated on the first row of the entire table.
At this point I am a little lost, any help would be greatly appreciated. For simplicity sakes it can be calculated at plus timedelta(7) and plus timedelta(2). Also what would change if I had to add more conditions like say on Name column.
To use apply
, try:
df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"])
df["NewDate"] = df.apply(lambda x: x["Date"]+BDay(2) if x["Type"]=="B" else x["Date"]+pd.DateOffset(days=7), axis=1)
>>> df
Type Name Date NewDate
0 A Abe 2021-06-02 2021-06-09
1 B Joe 2021-06-15 2021-06-17
2 A Jin 2021-06-25 2021-07-02
3 A Jen 2021-06-01 2021-06-08
4 B Pan 2021-06-21 2021-06-23
5 B Pin 2021-06-22 2021-06-24
6 B Hon 2021-06-11 2021-06-15
7 A Hen 2021-06-23 2021-06-30
8 A Bin 2021-06-23 2021-06-30
9 A Ban 2021-06-05 2021-06-12
Alternatively, you can use numpy.where
import numpy as np
df["NewDate"] = np.where(df["Type"]=="B", df["Date"]+BDay(2), df["Date"]+pd.DateOffset(7))