I have a search_form_for
and I need to be able to select multiple Payment status
es to make a Ransack search.
We already have an f.select
dropdown box for this attribute, but we now need to be able to select more than one status
at the same time.
<%= search_form_for @search, url: admin_payments_path, html: {class: "form-inline"} do |f| %>
<div class="form-group">
<%= f.select :status_eq, payment_status_selector, { include_blank: "Payment status.."}, class: "form-control gray" %>
<% end %>
I've tried:
<%= f.select :status_eq, payment_status_selector, {include_blank: false}, {multiple: true, as: :radio_buttons} %>
gives me a select box with all the options allowing me to select multiple, but they are not radio_buttons
and an empty value ""
is passed along with the selected options.
<% payment_status_selector.each do |status| %>
<%= radio_button_tag :status_eq, "#{status[1]}", false, class: 'radio-checkbox' %>
<%= label_tag( "#{status[0]}") %>
<% end %>
This gives me a radio_button
for each possible status
, but I can't select more than one.
I can't figure out the correct way to do it. Maybe with check_boxes
are a better option to be able to select/unselect statuses?
Yes, using check_box will be a better option.
<% payment_status_selector.each do |status| %>
<%= f.check_box :payment_statuses, { multiple: true }, status, false %>
<%= label status %>
<% end %>
And you can expect the values in controller from params as:
{ search: { payment_statuses: ["status 1", "status 2"] }
make sure that payment_status_selector
returns array of values.
Hope that helped.
Reference: https://medium.com/programming-problem-solving-logbook/rails-multiple-checkboxes-e9c4c7fda356