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How to split the reports in a single dataset to Multiple Datasets uisng JCL

A dataset has many reports in it. I need the first report alone to another dataset. How can we achieve using JCL?

Below is the sample how the dataset looks like. My requirement is to sort out only the records under R0A report.

---Report - R0A---
List of Payments
Date : 23/07/2021
Name Payment-Amt Due-Date
AAAA  233.04     15/08/2021
BBBB   38.07     16/08/2021
---Report - R0B---
List of Payments
Date : 23/07/2021
Name Payment-Amt Due-Date
AAAA  233.04     15/08/2021
BBBB   38.07     16/08/2021
---Report - R0C---
List of Payments
Date : 23/07/2021
Name Payment-Amt Due-Date
AAAA  233.04     15/08/2021
BBBB   38.07     16/08/2021


  • If the size of the reports is fixed, you can use sort with the COPY and STOPAFT= options:


    If you need a report beyond the first, you can add the SKIPREC= option. E.g. to get the third report, specify:


    If the reports differ in length, you could run a simple REXX.

    /* REXX - NOTE This is only a skeleton. Error checking must be added.     */
    /*             This code has not been tested, so thorough testing is due. */
    "ALLOC F(INP) DS('') SHR"
    "FREE F(INP)"
    TRUE  = 1
    FALSE = 0
    ReportStartIndicator = "---Report"
    ReportName           = "- R0B---"
    ReportHeader         = ReportStartIndicator ReportName
    ReportCopy           = FALSE
    do ii = 1 to InpRec.0 while ReportCopy = FALSE
      if InpRec.ii = ReportHeader
      then ReportCopy = TRUE
    if ReportCopy 
    then do
      OutRec.1 = InpRec.ii
      Outcnt   = 1
      do jj = ii + 1 to InpRec.0 while ReportCopy = TRUE
        if word( InpRec.jj, 1 ) = ReportStartIndicator /* Start of next report? */
        then ReportCopy = FALSE
        else do
          OutCnt        = OutCnt + 1
          OutRec.Outcnt = InpRec.jj
      "ALLOC F(OUT) DS('')" ,
          "NEW CATLG SPACE(......) RECFM(....) LRECL(....)"
      "EXECIO" OutCnt "DISKW OUT ( STEM OutRec. FINIS"
      "FREE F(OUT)"
      say "Done copying report." OutCnt "records have been copied."
    else do
      say "Report" ReportName "not found."
      exit 16

    As written in the comment in the REXX, I haven't tested this code. Also, error checking need to be added, especially for TSO HOST commands (ALLOC, EXECIO, FREE).

    All of the solutions copy a single report to another data set. In the title, you wrote to multiple datasets. I'm sure you'll find solutions for this using above single report solutions.