I have an array with multiple objects and I need to access one of the ids in the object so I can update the content in react. Currently, I am not seeing the state change when I make the update. The update worked fine when my data schema was just an object and had no arrays. Now that I changed my data structure I am no longer able to update my states. Below is the controller.
As an example, I want to access id 2 to update the notes state.
My question: what is the correct syntax to update the object by finding the id in that object?
exports.updateCompany = async (req, res) => {
let snapShotID = req.params.id;
await findUpdateEmployee.findByIdAndUpdate(
_id: snapShotID,
details: {
$elemMatch: { id: req.params.detailsId) },
$set: { "details.$.notes": req.body.notes },
new: true,
(err, data) => {
if (err) {
message: "update not created",
} else {
success: true,
message: "Post Updated",
Here is the model:
"message": "Post found",
"data": {
"company": "Riteaid",
"_id": "1",
"details": [
"employee": "jane doe",
"balance": "3",
"notes": "some notes",
"_id": "2"
"employee": "john doe",
"balance": "1",
"notes": "some more notes",
"_id": "3"
There are two things I needed to do, change the URL path from:
to someurl/:companyId/employeeId
The second was to edit the code from findByIdAndUpdate to findOneAndUpdate, and finally to follow the doc on how the code is structured with filter and update. Alos I used $elemMatch
for the filter:
exports.updateSnapShotTest = async (req, res) => {
await CompanySnapShotTest.findOneAndUpdate(
_id: req.params.companyId,
details: { $elemMatch: { _id: req.params.employeeId } } }, // FILTER
$set: {
"details.$.notes": req.body.notes, // UPDATE
{ new: true, safe: true, upsert: true },
(err, data) => {...});