I've made this simple bash script to run a ping scan and grab MAC addresses active on my network, output to a file, and then compare that file against a file with a list of known MAC addresses I grabbed from my ARP table in my router.
Rather than echo a result for each line that it iterates, how can I make the for loop spit out one output like "All Devices are familiar on your network"?
current code:
sudo nmap -sn | grep "MAC" | awk '{print $3}'| sort > $HOME/Desktop/arp.txt
readarray -t mac <$HOME/Desktop/arptable.txt
for address in "${mac[@]}"; do
if grep -Fxq "$address" $HOME/Desktop/arptable.txt;
echo "$address is a known network device"
echo "WARNING: $address is an unknown device on the network"
and my current output looks like:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is a known network device
Disclamer: This is just a project and not used as a serious security tool.
Assuming you still want to print out the WARNING
messages ... keep track of the number of successes and if equal to the number of entries in the array mac[]
then print your desired message, eg:
for address in "${mac[@]}"; do
if grep -Fxq "$address" $HOME/Desktop/arptable.txt;
echo "WARNING: $address is an unknown device on the network"
[[ "${found}" -eq "${#max[@]}" ]] && echo "All Devices are familiar on your network"
Alternatively, clear a flag if you generate any WARNING
for address in "${mac[@]}"; do
if ! grep -Fxq "$address" $HOME/Desktop/arptable.txt;
echo "WARNING: $address is an unknown device on the network"
[[ "${foundall}" == 'true' ]] && echo "All Devices are familiar on your network"