I'm pentester-student and I very much like to complement tasks with Python version of it.
I've got a vulnerable box with IP and port scanning with nmap resulted in:
nmap -T4 -p-
Starting Nmap 7.91 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2021-07-27 15:13 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00024s latency).
All 65535 scanned ports on are closed
MAC Address: 00:50:56:EA:44:EB (VMware)
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.72 seconds
Telling me there are no open ports. Then I check the results with Python script:
from scapy.all import *
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
ip = args.ip
ports = [i for i in range(65535)]
def synScan(host):
resp, _ = sr(IP(dst=host)/TCP(sport=5555, dport=ports, flags='S'), timeout=2, verbose=0)
print(f'Open ports on {host}:\n')
for s, r in resp:
if s[TCP].dport == r[TCP].sport:
print(f'TCP Port {s[TCP].dport} is open.')
script executed by running python3 port_scanner.py
which resulted in:
Open ports on host
TCP Port 0 is open.
TCP Port 1 is open.
TCP Port 2 is open.
TCP Port 3 is open.
TCP Port 4 is open.
TCP Port 5 is open.
TCP Port 6 is open.
TCP Port 7 is open.
TCP Port 8 is open.
TCP Port 9 is open.
TCP Port 10 is open.
TCP Port 11 is open.
TCP Port 12 is open.
TCP Port 13 is open.
TCP Port 14 is open.
TCP Port 15 is open.
TCP Port 16 is open.
TCP Port 17 is open.
TCP Port 18 is open.
TCP Port 19 is open.
TCP Port 20 is open.
TCP Port 21 is open.
TCP Port 22 is open.
TCP Port 23 is open.
TCP Port 24 is open.
My question is which scan I should trust more ? Nmap is very popular network scanner and scapy is pretty popular too but here you see the results.
The scapy script concludes that the port is open if you receive an answer to a SYN
packet. This is wrong. For example, if the answer is an RST
packet, the port is closed. This script rather tells if the port is filtered.
So if you want to use scapy you'll also have to check that the answer packet has the SYN
packet also set.