I have a column in a table that I want to set to true or false based on conditions in another table that is only related to the first table via a third table. The first table is a table of deployments, the second table contains messages for each deployment (many messages per deployment), and the third table contains msg_data which only come from certain messages. Not all deployments will include the data_msg messages, but if they do I want to set a column in the deployment table to TRUE. I have created a view of the table that shows all the rows where this column should be set to true:
CREATE VIEW condition_true AS
SELECT DISTINCT deployment.id, deployment.condition
FROM deployment
JOIN messages ON messages.deployment_id = deployment.id
JOIN data_msgs ON data_msgs.messages_id = messages.id
GROUP BY deployment.id;
This view is not updateable itself for several reasons, but obviously what I'd like to do is
UPDATE condition_true
SET condition_true.condition = TRUE;
Can anyone help me figure out how to accomplish this? Thank you.
Assuming that id
is the primary key of deployment
, you need an UPDATE
statement with joins of the 3 tables:
UPDATE deployment d
JOIN messages m ON m.deployment_id = d.id
JOIN data_msgs dm ON dm.messages_id = m.id
SET d.condition = true
Or, with EXISTS
UPDATE deployment d
SET d.condition = true
FROM messages m JOIN data_msgs dm
ON dm.messages_id = m.id
WHERE m.deployment_id = d.id
Or, if you want to set the column to TRUE
UPDATE deployment d
SET d.condition = EXISTS (
FROM messages m JOIN data_msgs dm
ON dm.messages_id = m.id
WHERE m.deployment_id = d.id
Also, in your view, there is no need for GROUP BY deployment.id
, because you are not doing any aggregation and you use DISTINCT
, so you will not get any duplicate rows..