I have a complex application (.NET 5 MVC 5) which does various ajax calls. I would like to globally handle only 401 unauthorized requests.
This classic code does the trick as it catches globally
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (jqXHR.status == 401) {//Unauthorized
//it will redirect to the same document, so authentication will take place and will go back to login
window.location.href = document.URL;
But it catches globally everything while I need it to catch only 401 and let the defined error function do the rest.
What I mean is, for example I have:
function dropYear_changed(data) {
url: '@Url.Action("aaa", "vvv")',
type: "get",
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
data: data,
success: function (result) {
//Do stuff
error: function(error) {
//show some alert, toast, do error stuff
with the global ajax it won't do the
//show some alert, toast, do error stuff
because the ajaxSetup will take over. I want to catch 401 globally but do something else if error is not 401, and that something else is defined in the ajax error:
How I can do this?
You can catch only specific errors in $.ajaxSetup with statusCode function. Try below code:
statusCode: {
401: function() {
This function alert when the response status is a 401. This way you can catch 401 globally and do something else if error is not 401.