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couldn't deploy the app because of vulnerabilities need manual review

I want to deploy my app But there are 3 vulnerabilities I didn't understand how to slove them. i used npm audit fix also I sloved some vulnerabilities with manual updating this is th manual review someone help me :

  Manual Review
             Some vulnerabilities require your attention to resolve

          Visit for additional guidance

  Moderate        Regular Expression Denial of Service

  Package         browserslist

  Patched in      >=4.16.5

  Dependency of   react-scripts

  Path            react-scripts > react-dev-utils > browserslist

  More info

  Moderate        Regular expression denial of service

  Package         glob-parent

  Patched in      >=5.1.2

  Dependency of   react-scripts

  Path            react-scripts > webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 >
                  chokidar > glob-parent

  More info

  Moderate        Regular expression denial of service

  Package         glob-parent

  Patched in      >=5.1.2

  Dependency of   react-scripts

  Path            react-scripts > webpack-dev-server > chokidar > glob-parent

  More info

found 3 moderate severity vulnerabilities in 2195 scanned packages
  3 vulnerabilities require manual review. See the full report for details.


  • The answer here gives a good explanation.

    Normally, you would try these solutions, in order:

    • npm audit fix (it sounds like you have already done this)
    • npm audit fix --force
    • npm i react-scripts (the parent package of the package with the vuln)
    • npm i browserslist@4.16.5 glob-parent@5.1.2 (the vuln packages themselves)

    However, we can see that (at the time I'm writing this) the issue is not resolved in react-dev-utils' package.json. Additionally, the package.json uses an exact version (no caret). These two facts mean that none of these solutions listed above will work.

    You have two options:

    • clone the create-react-app repo, fix the versions yourself and use your cloned version instead of the real one
    • wait for create-react-app to fix it, at which point one of the solutions above should work

    I would strongly suggest the latter approach.