I need your help!
I am new to codeigniter and I am trying to pass a fetch parameter from url, get me the value using the following
My example url is the following: http://localhost/infocargacasosfinal/index.php/creacionacta/?NroGestion=1&NroContacto=103386816
Where what I am rescuing is the value "NroContacto", I have managed to bring me the value with the following line in the controller:
'NroContacto' => $this->input->get('NroContacto');
and show it in the view with the following:
Numero Folio: <?php echo $nrocontacto; ?>
that way I have managed to show it in the user's view, but now I can't find a way to save that value in the database when the user clicks the "save" button
You have not shared much information related to your issue. I am assuming that you need two server calls to save the URL parameter into data.
If this is the case, on first page, you can collect nrocontacto as you have already done in your code and add a hidden input field <input type="hidden" name="nrocontacto" value="<?php echo $nrocontacto; ?>">
inside the form in the view file.
When the user submit the form, you can grab the value using $nroContacto = $this->input->post('NroContacto', true);
(this code goes to form processing controller method). Now you can use CI query builder $this->db->insert('tableName', array('field_name' => $nroContacto));
(Note: add other required fields for insert array) to save it to the Database.