I would like to see all enums value about my dto's property in the body section of swagger UI.
I put this @ApiQuery decorator in my code:
name: 'name',
enum: ENUM_NAME,
isArray: true,
async name(...):Promise<...> {...}
But this is used with @Query decorator to let the swagger's filter work. (Find in NestJS Swagger Doc).
So i did not put @Query in my code as you can see, because i want the enum's value in my dto.
But it did not like this solution. it's a workaround.
There is a better way to achieve this result?
It is not possible in the body section of swagger to do as for the query section, but you can do like this:
// app.controller.ts
public async name(@Body() dto: NameDto): Promise<void> {}
// name.dto.ts
// This is enum for demo
enum Demo {
DEMO_1 = 'DEMO_1',
DEMO_2 = 'DEMO_2',
export class NameDto {
enum: Demo,
isArray: true,
example: [Demo.DEMO_1, Demo.DEMO_1],
public name: Demo[];
Or if you don't want dto used
// app.controller.ts
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'array',
items: {
enum: [Demo.DEMO_1, Demo.DEMO_2],
example: [Demo.DEMO_1, Demo.DEMO_2],
public async name(@Body() dto: any): Promise<void> {}