Assume I create an object:
set newcon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
And at some point I destroy it:
set newcon = nothing
How can I tell if newcon
is an object or nothing?
I have tried:
newcon is nothing
but I get object required
If I try isobject
or isnull
or isempty
it doesn't return either true
or false
Is there something else that really works?
I believe you accidentially changed newcon before testing it with Is Nothing:
>> set newcon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
>> WScript.Echo 0, IsObject(newcon)
0 -1
>> set newcon = Nothing
>> WScript.Echo 1, IsObject(newcon)
1 -1
>> WScript.Echo 2, newcon Is Nothing
2 -1
>> newcon = "oops"
>> WScript.Echo 3, newcon Is Nothing
Error Number: 424
Error Description: Object required
>> WScript.Echo 4, newconn Is Nothing ' oops
Error Number: 424
Error Description: Object required
If you get Error 434, then newcon (or the variable you really test) doesn't hold an object or Nothing.