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MetricNumeralExtensions.ToMetric is obsolete, use MetricNumeralFormats?

We've upgraded Humanizer from 2.8.26 to 2.11.10 and now get the following warning:

'MetricNumeralExtensions.ToMetric(double, bool, bool, int?)' is obsolete: 'Please use overload with MetricNumeralFormats'

Are there any examples on how to use MetricNumeralFormats? What should I use to make it work?

This is our current code:

using System;
using Humanizer;
public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine(1234.ToMetric(false, true, 2));

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  • Here how to use MetricNumeralFormats for your case:

    using System;
    using Humanizer;
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            // instead of
            Console.WriteLine(1234.ToMetric(false, true, 2));
            // do
            var decimals = 2;
            Console.WriteLine(1234.ToMetric(null, decimals));



    null here is the format your want to use

    For example,

    var decimals = 2;
    var format = MetricNumeralFormats.WithSpace | MetricNumeralFormats.UseName;
    Console.WriteLine(1234.ToMetric(format, decimals)); 

    will output

    1.23 kilo

    source: MetricNumeralTests and MetricNumeralFormats