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ASP.NET Core Web API trying to upload file and store in database: ERROR: 415: Unsupported Media Type

When trying to create an API that can upload files (and other data) to the database, I am always getting stuck. The API has a raw JSON response with data filling different tables for the database.

However, with Postman, I have to upload the file as form-data or binary file (as the same time as I want to send the raw JSON data), but this never seems to work no matter what I try. So here's the method for uploading files in ASP.NET Core (I'm using a view model class for my methods):

if (item.fileuploadresults != null) 
        foreach(FileUploadResult f in item.fileuploadresults) 
            var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
            parameters.Add("file", f.files);
            parameters.Add("@filename", f.filename);
            parameters.Add("@blob", f.FileBlob);

            var filemessage = await _sqlconnection.QueryAsync < int > ($ @ "INSERT INTO [dbo].[OptionalFile] (file, [FileName], [FileBloB])
          VALUES( { f.files }, @filename, @blob); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();", parameters);

            int FileMessageID = filemessage.First();

            // update cross table
            await _sqlconnection.QueryAsync < int > ($ @ "INSERT INTO [dbo].[ClaimCrossOptionalFile]
           (ClaimID, FileID) VALUES({ claimID }, { FileMessageID });");
    catch (Exception ex) 
        int k = 0;

The models look like this:

public class Service
    public IList<FileUploadResult> fileuploadresults { get; set; }

public class FileUploadResult
    public IFormFile files { get; set; } 

    public byte[] FileBlob { get; set; }

    public long Length { get; set; }
    public string filename { get; set; }

The raw JSON:

   "service":"Scheduled service",
         "title":"labour 1",
         "title":"Part 1",
         "title":"Part 1",

Is it impossible to send both raw json data and form-data in the same request? I've tried changing the content-type in postman as well, with no success.

Thankful for anyone who has any idea on how to proceed.


  • In case anyone comes across this problem as well, I have found a solution, you can look at this post: using jsonData as a key value to send mixed data in asp: Does not update the database with the values.