Problem stmt : I have a service which fetches result from graphql sometime due to server issue the service might throw 500 error
Solution: To resolve the above issue I needed to write a retry logic to retry the service when timeout occurs.
Obstacle : I don't know how to assert the whether the given logic is calling the service three times as specified. Any help is appreciated.
I created a retry policy to retry if the given client is timeout after some time.
public override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.ConfigureHttpClient(client =>
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Constants.ClientTimeOut);
RetryLogic :
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Polly;
namespace PA.Com.Integration
public static class HttpClientBuilderExtensions
public static IHttpClientBuilder AddRetryPolicy(this IHttpClientBuilder builder)
var serviceProvider = builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider();
var options = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<RetryOptions>>();
return builder.AddTransientHttpErrorPolicy(b => b.WaitAndRetryAsync(new[]
I'm new to unit testing I believe I called the code to check the timeout but not sure how to assert whether it is called three time on timeout.
Unit Test I tried:
public async Task Check_Whether_Given_Policy_Executed_OnTimeout()
// Given / Arrange
IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
bool retryCalled = false;
HttpStatusCode codeHandledByPolicy = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
var data = services.AddHttpClient<GraphQueryService>(Constants.PPQClient)
.ConfigureHttpClient(client =>
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Constants.ClientTimeOut);
.AddHttpMessageHandler(() => new StubDelegatingHandler(codeHandledByPolicy));
//Need to Check the retry logic is called three times. Not sure How to continue after this.
Assert.Equal(codeHandledByPolicy, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
Unfortunately you can't create unit tests to make sure that your policies have been setup properly. For example after you setup the retry count and sleep duration(s) you can't query them.
After reading the source code of Polly I've found a solution but it's super fragile since it relies on private
fields. I've already raised a ticket.
So, what can you do? Well, you can write integration tests where you are mocking the downstream http service. I've chosen the WireMock.Net library for this purpose.
I've created two abstractions over the downstream system:
internal abstract class FlawlessServiceMockBase
protected readonly WireMockServer server;
private readonly string route;
protected FlawlessServiceMockBase(WireMockServer server, string route)
this.server = server;
this.route = route;
public virtual void SetupMockForSuccessResponse(IResponseBuilder expectedResponse = null,
HttpStatusCode expectedStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK)
var endpointSetup = Request.Create().WithPath(route).UsingGet();
var responseSetup = expectedResponse ?? Response.Create().WithStatusCode(expectedStatusCode);
and FautlyService
internal abstract class FaultyServiceMockBase
protected readonly WireMockServer server;
protected readonly IRequestBuilder endpointSetup;
protected readonly string scenario;
protected FaultyServiceMockBase(WireMockServer server, string route)
this.server = server;
this.endpointSetup = Request.Create().WithPath(route).UsingGet();
this.scenario = $"polly-setup-test_{this.GetType().Name}";
public virtual void SetupMockForFailedResponse(IResponseBuilder expectedResponse = null,
HttpStatusCode expectedStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
var responseSetup = expectedResponse ?? Response.Create().WithStatusCode(expectedStatusCode);
public virtual void SetupMockForSlowResponse(ResilienceSettings settings, string expectedResponse = null)
int higherDelayThanTimeout = settings.HttpRequestTimeoutInMilliseconds + 500;
//NOTE: There is no WhenStateIs
.RespondWith(DelayResponse(higherDelayThanTimeout, expectedResponse));
for (var i = 1; i < settings.HttpRequestRetryCount; i++)
.WillSetStateTo(i + 1)
.WithTitle($"{Common.Constants.Stages.RetryAttempt} #{i}")
.RespondWith(DelayResponse(higherDelayThanTimeout, expectedResponse));
//NOTE: There is no WillSetStateTo
.RespondWith(DelayResponse(1, expectedResponse));
private static IResponseBuilder DelayResponse(int delay) => Response.Create()
private static IResponseBuilder DelayResponse(int delay, string response) =>
response == null
? DelayResponse(delay)
: DelayResponse(delay).WithBody(response);
With these two classes you are able to simulate good and bad behaving downstream systems.
is just a simple helper class to store timeout and retry policies' config valuesEnd
state (WithTitle(Common.Constants.Stages.End)
) and that's what you can query in your integration testHere is a simple test which will issue request (with retries) against a slow downstream system. It fails several times but at the end it succeeds
public async Task GivenAValidInout_AndAServiceWithSlowProcessing_WhenICallXYZ_ThenItCallsTheServiceSeveralTimes_AndFinallySucceed()
//Arrange - Proxy request
HttpClient proxyApiClient = proxyApiInitializer.CreateClient();
//Arrange - Service
var xyzSvc = new FaultyXYZServiceMock(xyzServer.Value);
var actualResult = await CallXYZAsync(proxyApiClient);
//Assert - Response
const HttpStatusCode expectedStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
//Assert - Resilience Policy
var logsEntries = xyzServer.Value.FindLogEntries(
Please note that the proxyApiInitializer
is an instance of a WebApplicationFactory<Startup>
derived class.
And finally, this is how you can initialize your WireMock server
private static Lazy<WireMockServer> xyzServer;
public ctor()
xyzServer = xyzServer ?? InitMockServer(API.Constants.EndpointConstants.XYZServiceApi);
private Lazy<WireMockServer> InitMockServer(string lookupKey)
string baseUrl = proxyApiInitializer.Configuration.GetValue<string>(lookupKey);
return new Lazy<WireMockServer>(
WireMockServer.Start(new FluentMockServerSettings { Urls = new[] { baseUrl } }));