I'm having issues with priority queue in Python. I put in a tuple and when I iterate over it I get the tuple iterated over. What I want and expected to happen is the get() function would just return the whole tuple instead of just the first value of the first tuple.
Adding to queue:
await priority_queue.put((3, 'Value1', 'Value2'))
Iteration of queue:
for i in await priority_queue.get():
Result I get:
> 3
> 'Value1'
> 'Value2'
Result I want:
> (3, 'Value1', 'Value2')
According to the docs
The lowest valued entries are retrieved first (the lowest valued entry is the one returned by sorted(list(entries))[0]). A typical pattern for entries is a tuple in the form: (priority_number, data).
Which makes me think something is wrong, though I don't completely understand what is meant here besides that it gets sorted.
The issue was how I was thinking about queues. (Thanks to @deadshot)
Works and there is no iteration if you just want the first object in queue.
while not priority_queue.empty():
print(await priority_queue.get())
Is a good way to iterate over each object by itself. (Also allows for better looping elsewhere)