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Advice needed: does it make sense to include fmt lib in header-only library?

I'm currently ending the development of a C++ header-only template library for grid-based quantum computations and I'm considering replacing an old logging module that I've wrote nearly at the beginning.

I know that it sounds a little bit weird to have a header-only library printing stuff to stdout (and files), but I make heavy use of templates to increase flexibility and efficiency of the runtime binary, hence this choice.

The current logging module uses printf (as I disliked std::cout syntax), macros, variadic macros (##__VA_ARGS__), supports console colors and prints out the the location in the source using __FILE__, __LINE__ macros, i.e. nothing modern nor type safe, but it works.

Does it make sense replace it with fmt (or something similar) or should I rather try to modernize the existing one (i.e. replace variadic macros with templates, custom built compile-time string_view's etc.)?

I'd like the library to work "straight-away" that is, I'd like to either:

a) eliminate as much dependencies as possible

b) try find_package(fmt) or FetchContent them silently in CMake - (btw. is there a general CMake "template" for this behaviour? something like "find_or_fetch"? )

c) place the essential part of fmt as a git submodule in my project and include a small header file.

Beside this, I'm also planning to use HDF5 library (with or without C++ wrappers). Here again I'm not sure how to best approach it to make the integration as seamless as possible, neither have I decided which wrapper should I use. Would a "find_or_fetch" paradigm be appropriate for header-only library?


  • I wouldn't if I were you.

    • A header-only library implies being minimalistic. fmt is the opposite of that.
    • A header-only library implies being user-friendly. Forcing a large dependency on a user isn't very friendly.
    • If you've gone that far without needing better logging tools, chances are, the tools you are using are already good enough.
    • Having to match format strings and arguments is one of the largest drawbacks of not using fmt. But you've done that matching already. And modern compilers warn about any mismatches as long as format strings are literals.