When I use Dasha's old SDK, from another file with "dashaApp.enqueueJobs()" sended call number to the main Dasha.js file and I get the number, but in the new Dasha SDK how I can get the info sented from enqueueJobs?
when you want to add entry
application.queue.push("key", {
after: new Date(),
before: new Date(Date.now() + 60 * 60 * 1000)
in main handler
application.queue.on("ready", async (key, conversation) => {
//key -- something for identification of job on your side, for example phone number
conversation.input = getInput(key);
const result = await conversation.execute();
Or you can use queue-less execution https://docs.dasha.ai/en-us/default/sdk/node-js/classes/application#createconversation
const dasha = require("@dasha.ai/sdk");
const app = await dasha.deploy("path/to/app");
const conv = app.createConversation({
foo: 123,
const result = await conv.execute();