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Godot/GdScript How to instantiate a class from a static function?

I have 2 scripts:

class_name A    

var v = 0    

func _init(v_):
    v = v_

class_name B

var A = preload("res://")

static func Add(a1:A, a2:A):
    return + a2.v)

I don't understand why I have this error while I'm typing:

res:// - Parse Error: Can't access member variable ("A") from a static function.

Apparently, I can't instantiate A from a static function. If I remove static, there are no more errors. What am I doing wrong? How can I instantiate A from a static function?


  • There are no static variables in Godot. Thus that var A is not a static variable. And thus it is not available from a static function.

    On the other hand, if you gave a name to your class with class_name - which you did - then that class name exist everywhere. Remove var A.