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How can I contribute ports?

I am trying to port to VxWorks. I have created 2 PRs:


I have signed the CLA but don't know how to proceed.

I have referred the contribution guide: But the section "Contributing Ports" is TBD.

My PRs seem stuck there. All CI checks are pending.

Could you please let me know what I should do next?


  • thank you for your PR! Getting the VxWorks RTOS ported to work with Azure IoT services seems to be a great idea. The only caveat here is choosing the right SDK to get this done: in your case you used the C SDK which can be too big for constrained devices.
    The best SDK for constrained devices and porting a RTOS would be the Embedded C SDK which is smaller, non-allocating, and very flexible as it allows you to use whichever MQTT, TLS and Socket your target platform needs.