I have a dataframe with file paths and file names
I am trying to use this code to iterate through the dataframe and print the file name
the following works when I test the actual pathname and filename that is in the dataframe columns
from pathlib import Path
for index, row in df.iterrows():
for path in Path('Z:\\A\\2021-07-21\\DL\\').rglob('xx_240721_21*_AT_B.txt.bz2'):
When i try and parse the actual values using the dataframe values, it does not work
from pathlib import Path
for index, row in df.iterrows():
search = df['Search2']
filename = df['filename']
for path in Path('Search').rglob('filename'):
I can confirm that the Search2 and filename have the exact strings as what I was testing with
Still new to python so any help will be helpful.As always, I have tried to do some research on this but got stuck
I was able to figure this out and used the following
from pathlib import Path
for index, row in df.iterrows():
search = (row['Search2'])
filename= (row['filename'])
for path in Path(search).rglob(filename):