I wrote this code for this weeks challenge to produce ugly numbers.
sub factors( $n ) {
if $n > 1 {
$_, |factors $n div $_
given ( grep $n %% *, 2..* ).first } }
.say for ( 1, |grep *.&factors.all ∈ ( 2, 3, 5 ), 2..* )[^150];
This works, in the sense it produces the correct ouput, but it does not behave lazily: The output does not start right away but 30 seconds after the start.
However when I remove the indexing and iterate over the bare sequence
.say for 1, |grep *.&factors.all ∈ ( 2, 3, 5 ), 2..*;
I get output immedeatly as expected.
This is a bug, yes?
This is not a bug (though could possibly be documented better). Indexing with []
reifies the elements it indexes over, so [^150]
computes a (non-lazy) list of the first 150 elements. (The rest of the list remains lazy, but those initial elements do not).
If you want to iterate lazily, you can use &head
instead, which would give you the following final line:
.say for ( 1, |grep *.&factors.all ∈ ( 2, 3, 5 ), 2..* ).head(150);