I have a multiselect primeNg component which is fiiling dinamicaly after a server request:
In the main component, I have data binding for these @Input()s, and I want to choose "All sites" from here: enter image description here
and the last option should be "All Sites" without select all sites from the multi-select component. The option "All Sites" won't be a record in the database.
This is my example, use this and adapt styles and logic for youself:
What to look for:
[filter]="false" [showToggleAll]="false"
to remove base input and checkbox<ng-template>
to customize it<ng-template pTemplate="header">
add logic for custom checkbox <p-checkbox (onChange)="multiselect.allChecked ? multiselect.uncheckAll() : multiselect.checkAll()"></p-checkbox>
<p-multiSelect #multiselect [filter]="false" [showToggleAll]="false" [options]="countries" [(ngModel)]="selectedCountries" defaultLabel="Select a Country" optionLabel="name" class="multiselect-custom">
<ng-template pTemplate="header">
<p-checkbox (onChange)="multiselect.allChecked ? multiselect.uncheckAll() : multiselect.checkAll()"></p-checkbox>
All countries
<ng-template let-value pTemplate="selectedItems">
<div class="country-item country-item-value" *ngFor="let option of selectedCountries">
<div *ngIf="!selectedCountries || selectedCountries.length === 0" class="country-placeholder">
Select Countries
<ng-template let-country pTemplate="item">
<div class="country-item">
countries: Country[];
selectedCountries: Country[] = [];
constructor() {
this.countries = [
{name: 'Australia', code: 'AU'},
{name: 'Brazil', code: 'BR'},
{name: 'China', code: 'CN'},
{name: 'Egypt', code: 'EG'},
{name: 'France', code: 'FR'},
{name: 'Germany', code: 'DE'},
{name: 'India', code: 'IN'},
{name: 'Japan', code: 'JP'},
{name: 'Spain', code: 'ES'},
{name: 'United States', code: 'US'}