I would like to do these in a function:
1- connect socket
2- send query
3- listen data
4- return data
but when I tried the socket. listen function doesn't wait even I put await on it. It says it's not a future it's a Stream object but I have no idea about Streams so I'm stuck here. How can I do what I said?
static sendQuery({required String query,args, dimension}) async {
if(args != null)
args.forEach((element) => query = query.replaceFirst("?", element));
String ip = shared.getData("remote_ip");
int port = shared.getData("remote_port");
String data = "";
await Socket.connect(ip, port,timeout: Duration(seconds: 5)).then((soket) {
soket.listen((Uint8List buffer) async {
String _buffer = String.fromCharCodes(buffer);
data += _buffer;
onDone: () {});
print("Data has returned. Length of data: ${data.length}");
return data;}
You're await
ing the result of the call to Socket.listen
, but that returns a StreamSubscription
, not a Future
, and you can use await
only on Future
You can, however, use StreamSubscription.asFuture
to create a Future
that will complete when the Stream
completes normally or with an error.
Additionally, it's inconsistent to use both .then()
and await
. Pick one; using await
is usually more straightforward:
var socket = await Socket.connect(ip, port, timeout: Duration(seconds: 5));
var subscription = soket.listen((Uint8List buffer) async {
String _buffer = String.fromCharCodes(buffer);
data += _buffer;
await subscription.asFuture<void>();