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BPF: How to set the jump value as the value stored in the accumulator?

I am working with seccomp BPF and need to set the jump values (jt/jf/k) of a jump statement (conditional jump/jump always) as the value stored in the accumulator. Is this possible? I have a hunch that it is not, because the BPF verifier cannot check the jump values before loading the filter. If not, are there any workarounds?

struct sock_filter filter = 
    BPF_STMT(BPF_LD | BPF_W | BPF_ABS, offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr)),
    BPF_STMT(BPF_JMP | BPF_JA, /* Value stored in the accumulator */),

I tried looking here but I couldn't figure out any way to do it. My knowledge of BPF is also rather elementary and only within the purview of seccomp. Can you help me? Thanks for your time.


  • No, BPF doesn't support indirect branch instructions. Neither cBPF as used in seccomp-bpf nor eBPF does.

    In the case of cBPF, you can check this in the documentation. You will see that instructions are defined as:

    struct sock_filter { /* Filter block */
        __u16   code;    /* Actual filter code */
        __u8    jt;      /* Jump true */
        __u8    jf;      /* Jump false */
        __u32   k;       /* Generic multiuse field */

    where jt, jf, and k can be interpreted as the jump offset depending on the specific jump instruction being used. In all cases, they are interpreted as immediate values and not register numbers:

       6               L                    Jump label L
       7               #k,Lt,Lf             Jump to Lt if true, otherwise jump to Lf
       8               x/%x,Lt,Lf           Jump to Lt if true, otherwise jump to Lf
       9               #k,Lt                Jump to Lt if predicate is true
      10               x/%x,Lt              Jump to Lt if predicate is true